Vieții2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Editorial Officeredactia@revistacalitateavietii.roOpen Journal Systems<div><em>Calitatea Vieții</em> (<em>Quality of Life</em>) is a journal founded in 1990 with the aim of advancing scientific research on quality of life and social policy issues. The journal features four issues per year and publishes empirical, methodological and theoretical articles in the above-mentioned areas as well as in the following related fields:<br />• Living standard(s)<br />• Consumption patterns<br />• Employment and occupations<br />• Healthcare<br />• Housing<br />• Political participation<br />• Environmental well-being<br />• Education and schooling<br />• Social services<br />• Social interventions<br />• Family and interpersonal relationships<br />• Leisure<br />• Migration<br />• Lifestyles<br />• Subjective well-being<br />• Research methods<br /><br />In particular, the journal encourages the submission of articles analysing and assessing social policies as well as of those advancing strategies and recommendations of social intervention. The journal publishes original articles based on qualitative or quantitative data as well as theoretical articles. The journal accepts manuscripts in Romanian, English and French. All submissions are carefully assessed and undergo the double-blind peer review process with a minimum of two reviewers.<br /><br />The Quality of Life journal follows a new editorial policy that aims to encourage articles that bring original contributions to the international literature in its areas of interest, without downplaying relevant research that aims to foster local, national or regional social development. We also support the increasing international visibility of the articles published by our authors and the growth in the number of citations.</div> <div><br />The journal is indexed in the following databases:<br /><a href="">Scopus</a><br /><a href="">CEEOL</a><br /><a href=",p3234,3.html">Index Copernicus</a><br /><a href="">ERIH PLUS</a></div> <div><a href="">WorldCat</a><br />Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS)<br />Sociological Abstracts<br /><a href="">The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source (Ebsco)</a><br /><a href="">The journal has the B+ mark awarded by CNCSIS</a><br /><br />Submission invitation<br />The Quality of Life journal is always open to the publication of scientific articles, of book reviews and of contributions describing scientific events (conferences or congresses). Please send your manuscript, following the <a href="">instructions for authors</a>, via email to the journal’s address <a href=""></a>.</div> Decision Drivers in the Republic of Moldova: Choosing Recycled Clothing for a Sustainable Future2024-09-16T08:06:41+00:00Victoria Timofeio_timofei@yahoo.comRodica<p>This study evaluates consumer behaviour in the Republic of Moldova regarding the purchase of recycled clothing, aiming to identify key factors influencing these decisions. The textile sector in the EU, a major contributor to environmental impacts, highlights the urgent need for improved recycling practices and sustainable fashion. With only 1% of textiles being recycled into new garments, significant advancements in recycling technology and consumer engagement are necessary. This research utilizes a survey to assess consumer attitudes towards recycled clothing. The study examines factors such as environmental awareness, accessibility, price ‒ quality balance, and the perceived social and ecological benefits of recycled garments. Preliminary findings suggest that while awareness of environmental issues is increasing, challenges remain in terms of affordability and availability of recycled clothing. The study concludes that enhancing consumer education, improving access to recycled garments, and fostering greater participation from both businesses and consumers are essential to scaling recycling practices in Moldova. These insights aim to support the development of effective strategies to boost recycled clothing consumption and to contribute to sustainable waste management in the textile industry.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Romanian Academy Publishing House Qualitative Analysis of Remote Employees' Work-Life Harmonization Practices and Their Gendered Discourses 2024-08-08T16:44:24+00:00Maria Simionescu (Vlăsceanu)<p>This study explores the gender dynamics of work ‒ life harmonization among remote workers in Romania, with a focus on gender as a social structure. The paper’s goal is to discover the personal activities performed by employees during remote workdays and the associated gendered discourses. The study employed a qualitative approach, utilizing semi-structured interviews to explore the subject. Data was collected through video call interviews with 22 parents working full-time remotely or in hybrid arrangements. The sample was selected using quota and snowball sampling techniques. The research identifies a significant time bind conflict for women, who often juggle household chores and childcare, alongside professional duties during remote workdays, experiencing stress and guilt as a result. In contrast, men typically prioritize leisure, and delegate childcare responsibilities, underscoring a disparity in how domestic tasks are shared. The study reveals that the time bind conflict forces women to adjust and develop practices, such as carrying out professional and domestic work activities simultaneously, or doing housework and childcare during work breaks in the remote working days. Our study highlights that such practices can significantly heighten women's stress suggesting that future research should focus specifically on stress levels among remote workers. The paper reveals that, while remote work offers many potential benefits, it can disadvantage women. To ensure that remote work truly supports the harmonization of work ‒ personal life for both men and women, inclusive work structures are needed to address these gender-specific challenges.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Romanian Academy Publishing House"Yes or No? What do Lithuanian Unemployed Young People Think about Employment in Elderly Care Sector?"2024-08-19T17:09:09+00:00Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienėlaima.okuneviciute@dsti.ltLaimutė Žalimienė Junevičienė<p>The aim of the research is to investigate unemployed young people’s opinions about work and the workplace in the elderly care sector in Lithuania. The key theoretical concepts of the study are public service motivation (PSM), work meaningfulness and gendered approaches. Quantitative research methodology was chosen to gather the empirical data. The respondents of the survey, which was carried out in 2022, were young unemployed people (aged 18–29) registered in the Lithuanian Employment Service database. The rationale for this analysis is growing demand for labour force in the elderly care services, and fairly significant proportion of NEET youth in Lithuania and other EU countries. Various initiatives globally and particularly in the countries of Europe reveal that if to find ways how to attract this underutilised workforce to the elderly care sector, this could be one of the employment alternatives for young unemployed people. Therefore, the attitudes of the young unemployed people towards workplace in elderly care can be utilised searching how to improve effectiveness of employment services. Our study revealed that young unemployed people in Lithuania agree that work in elderly care sector is valuable and meaningful work to the society, however they see work in elderly care as physically and emotionally demanding, unqualified and low-paid. If youth would have to work temporarily in elderly care, they would prefer working for more independent elderly people.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Romanian Academy Publishing Housețile sociologului. Academicianul Mihai M. Cernea în dialog cu Zoltán Rostás, Editura Corint, București2024-10-16T17:23:20+00:00Filip<p>Nu e cazul (recenzie de carte)</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Romanian Academy Publishing House Didactic Research Project: Service Learning and Extended Reason Methodologies Using a Story Reading2024-02-26T15:58:43+00:00Susana Miró Lópezs.miro@ufv.esDaniel de la Rosa<p>This didactic research project aims to demonstrate the positive effects on the training of young people from diverse backgrounds, by using different learning methodologies and conducting joint training sessions. This research analyzes the effects of developing a symbiosis of two didactic methodologies: service learning and extended reason. The sample corresponds to two groups of students: some, second-year university students of the degree in social education from an urban environment, and others, students of a basic vocational training cycle in a rural environment. A methodology was developed consisting of hybrid sessions and a physical meeting with the students, in which a story by Flannery O'Connor was read from a multidisciplinary approach: Literature, Anthropology and Social Responsibility. As first conclusions, it was observed: the application of service learning and extended reason methodologies together offer better results than applied individually. The holistic analysis of the story allows us to delve deeper into topics such as human dignity, the meaning of suffering, love and forgiveness. Stemming from the methodological symbiosis, the young person becomes more interested in their learning, comprehensive training is facilitated and a purpose in education is projected beyond the classroom, pointing to their vocation of social service. Education should encourage the social service of future professionals and help us to recognise the dignity of others.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Romanian Academy Publishing House