About the Journal
Calitatea Vieții (Quality of Life) is a journal founded in 1990 with the aim of advancing scientific research on quality of life and social policy issues. The journal features four issues per year and publishes empirical, methodological and theoretical articles in the above-mentioned areas and related fields.
In particular, the journal encourages the submission of articles analysing and assessing social policies as well as of those advancing strategies and recommendations of social intervention. The journal publishes original articles based on qualitative or quantitative data as well as theoretical articles. We accept manuscripts in Romanian, English and French. All submissions are carefully assessed and undergo the double-blind peer review process with a minimum of two reviewers.
The Quality of Life journal follows a new editorial policy that aims to encourage articles that bring original contributions to the international literature in its areas of interest, without downplaying relevant research that aims to foster local, national or regional social development. We also support the increasing international visibility of the articles published by our authors and the growth in the number of citations.
Print ISSN 1018-0389
Online ISSN 1844-5292