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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This manuscript has not been previously published nor has it been sent to another journal for consideration (or another explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The research data used was not tampered with to support the conclusions.
  • Information taken from other sources is not presented as your own creation (plagiarism). The sources are obviously presented, in the format required by Revista Calitatea Vieții, according to the instructions for authors available here: The editorial office can use specialized software to detect plagiarism.
  • The material has received the necessary approvals from the co-authors, cited institutions, cited persons, data or images used, etc. before submitting the article.

Author Guidelines

Articles are reviewed anonymously by two specialists. If the recommendations made by them are contradictory, a third specialist makes another report. According to all reviewers’ recommendations, publishers decide to publish / reject the article or send suggestions for improvement to the author / authors.

Handing over the manuscripts to the journal for publication
Authors wishing to publish articles in Revista Calitatea Vieţii are asked to use the manuscript submission procedure on the website. The manuscripts go through the evaluation process and the authors receive a response in approximately three months.
The Corresponding Author sends the anonymised manuscript (i.e. without author(s)' name or other information which might lead to author(s)’ identification) which will contain: the title, summary and key words (in both Romanian and English ) and the main manuscript text.
Contact details of the author (s) (academic title, current position, institutional affiliation, postal address, e - mail address), ORCID, are written in a separate document.

Publication fee
Revista Calitatea Vieții does not charge authors a fee for the submission process, review process, and/or publication of manuscripts.

Scientific standards
Revista Calitatea Vieţii publishes articles which abide to academic standards for scientific publications: they have not been published before, they are original, they contain accurate data, they mention the sources of the cited data and ideas, etc.

Articles dimensions
Articles should contain 4000 - 8000 words, including notes, appendices and bibliography. Under special circumstances, based on the nature of articles and reviewers’ recommendations, we accept longer papers. Reviews and articles published in the "Scientific Life" section may contain up to 2000 words.
Abstracts must be no more than 250 words. Abstracts should include the keywords, as much as possible. The abstract may be structured or unstructured, but should contain the objectives, methodology and conclusions of the article.
If articles contain tables and graphs, the total word count of the paper will be calculated by adding the average equivalent word count corresponding to the printed space taken by the table or graph. Articles will be structured in a maximum of four degrees of titles / subtitles.

The text
Writing articles is done in Microsoft Word, in as simple a form as possible (Times New Roman, 12pts, 1 line). Romanian texts must contain diacritics (Romanian Standard).
The tables should be as simple as possible, inserted in the text, numbered in the order in which they appear and accompanied by caption. The source of the data must be mentioned immediately below the tables.
Graphs made in Excel should be black and white and must be inserted in the text and numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. They should also include captions and state the source of the data below the graph.
Footnotes and endnotes are not accepted.

The recommended citation style is Chicago author-date.
The list of references will be included at the end of the article, after the annexes, the authors being listed in alphabetical order of their names. For references, please use the language in which the text was read.
The reference list will include all materials consulted by the author, containing exclusively references cited in the text. Each reference in the text must be included in the reference list.

Book (by one author)
In-text citation:
(Esping- Andersen 1990); if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned (Esping- Andersen 1990, 50)
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Esping- Andersen (1990) ... ”; if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned “As stated by Esping- Andersen (1990, 50) ...”
In the reference list:
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta. 1990. The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

Edited book
In-text citation:
(Hertz and Marshall 2001); if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned (Hertz and Marshall 2001, 50)
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Hertz and Marshall (2001) ...”; if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned “As stated by Hertz and Marshall (2001, 50) ...”
In the reference list:
Hertz, Rosanna and Marshall, L. Nancy (eds). 2001. Working Families: The Transformation of the American Home. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Chapter of an edited book
In-text citation:
(Deitch and Huffman 2001); if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned (Deitch and Huffman 2001, 113)
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Deitch and Huffman (2001) ...”; if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned “As stated by Deitch and Huffman (2001, 113) ...”
In the reference list:
Deitch, Cynthia and Matt Huffman. 2001. “Family-Responsive Benefits and the Two- Tiered Labor Market.” In Working Families: The Transformation of the American Home, edited by Rosanna Hertz and N. Marshall, pp. 103–30. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Translated book
In-text citation:
(Durkheim 1951); if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned (Durkheim 1951, 92)
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Durkheim (1951) ...”; if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned “As stated by Durkheim (1951, 92) ...”
In the reference list:
Durkheim, Émile. 1951. Suicide: A Study in Sociology. Translated by J. Spaulding and G. Simpson. New York: Free Press.

Journal article
In-text citation:
(Aassave, Goisis and Sironi 2012); if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned (Aassave, Goisis and Sironi 2012, 70)
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Aassave, Goisis and Sironi (2012) ...”; if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned “As stated by Aassave, Goisis and Sironi (2012, 70) ...
In the reference list:
Aassve, Arnstein, Alice Goisis and Maria Sironi. 2012. “Happiness and Childbearing across Europe.” Social Indicators Research 108: 65–86.
If the article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it is recommended to add the link at the end of the reference.
Aassve, Arnstein, Alice Goisis and Maria Sironi. 2012. “Happiness and Childbearing across Europe.” Social Indicators Research 108: 65–86.

News article/ blog post
In-text citation:
(Butler 2020); if a quote is included and the article is read in a format with page numbers, then the page will also be mentioned.
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Butler (2020) ...”; if a quote is included and the article is read in a format with page numbers, then the page will also be mentioned.
In the reference list:
Butler, Patrick. 2020. “DWP to increase support for vulnerable claimants after series of suicides.” The Guardian, July 22, 2020.
If the article is read online, it is recommended to add the link at the end of the reference.
Butler, Patrick. 2020. “DWP to increase support for vulnerable claimants after series of suicides.” The Guardian, July 22, 2020.

Book review
In-text citation:
(McDaniel 2010); if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned (McDaniel 2010, 177).
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by McDaniel (2010) ...”; if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned “As stated by McDaniel (2010, 178) ... ”
In the reference list:
McDaniel, Susan A. 2010. Review of Incomplete Revolution: Adapting Welfare States to Women’s New Roles, de Gøsta Esping-Andersen. Canadian Journal of Sociology/ Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 35(1): 176-178.

In-text citation:
(Borjas 2017)
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Borjas (2017) ...”
In the reference list:
Borjas, George. 2017. “George Borjas on Immigration and We Wanted Workers.” Interview by Russ Roberts. EconTalks, The Library of Economics and Liberty, January 30, 2017. Audio, 01:05:19.

Thesis or dissertation
In-text citation:
(Arampatzi 2018); if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned (Arampatzi 2018, 102).
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Arampatzi (2018) ...”; if a quote is included, the page will also be mentioned “As stated by Arampatzi (2018, 102) ...”
In the reference list:
Arampatzi, Efstratia. 2018. “Subjective Well-Being in Times of Crisis. Evidence on the wider impact of economic crises and turmoil on subjective well-being.” PhD diss., Erasmus University.

Website content
In-text citation:
(ECDC, n.d.), if the date of publication is not known.
If the date of publication or last revision is mentioned, then the year will be included, prioritizing the date of the most recent revision.
If the name of the website is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated on the website of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (n.d.) ...”
In the reference list:
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. n.d. “Communication toolkit on immunisation: How to increase immunisation uptake.” Accessed January 18, 2021.

Social media content
In-text citation:
(Kaiser, July 25, 2020) sau (Kaiser 2020)
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Kaiser in a comment on Twitter... (@caspar_kaiser, July 25, 2020).”
In the reference list:
Instead of a title, please write maximum 160 characters of the cited content.
Kaiser, Caspar (@caspar_kaiser). 2020. “Personality traits are an interesting moderator.” Comment on Twitter, July 25, 2020.

Conference papers
In-text citation:
(Mittereder 2019)
If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, then: “As stated by Mittereder (2019) ...”
In the reference list:
Mittereder, Felicitas. 2019. “Can We Predict Breakoff and Intervene Appropriately in Web Surveys?” Paper presented at the ESRA Biennial Conference, Zagreb, July15-19.

Personal communication
In-text citation:
(Sam White, e-mail to the author, June 1, 2019)
Personal communications will be cited in the text only.

In-text citation:
(World Bank Education Statistics 2020)
In the reference list:
World Bank Education Statistics (object name UIS.NART.2.RUR; accessed December 5, 2020).

Unknown author
In-text citation:
If the author is not known, the text is cited using the first word/s of the title and the year of publication.
(Reflections 1976)
In the reference list:
“Reflections of an anonymous sociologist.” The American Sociologist 11(4): 193-198.

Publications of international organizations
In-text citation:
(OECD 2020)
In the reference list:
OECD. 2020. International Migration Outlook 2020. Paris: OECD Publishing.

Unpublished manuscripts
Materials that have not yet been published are cited with the mention “unpublished manuscript”. In the reference list they will be added last.

More than one author


 In-text citation

One author

Manjoo (2017) or (Manjoo 2017)

Two authors

Ward and Burns (2007) or (Ward and Burns 2007)

Three authors

Keng, Lin, and Orazem (2017) or (Keng, Lin, and Orazem 2017)

Four or more authors

Smith et al (2007or (Smith et al, 2007)


As stated by LaSalle (2017, 95) “quoted text”

Accepted articles for publication will be sent to authors for proofs. Authors should answer in 3 days.

Processing time
Average processing time for an article is 90 days.

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Date of Last Revision: 01.2024

Quality of Life Journal, Research Institute for Quality of Life,