Dezvoltare inegală, dezindustrializare și capital imobiliar în România
deindustrialization, privatization, real estate development, capital accumulation, RomaniaAbstract
The article is a contribution to the analysis of capitalist transformations in Romania and the study of uneven development. In the Introduction I will present the theoretical and empirical sources of the paper, the latter consisting of secondary statistics collected and processed as part of my current research on deindustrialization and real estate development. I will do the analysis of the subject in two parts. In Part 1, the one about capitalist economic restructuring, I will show how deindustrialization through privatization happened in Romania and discuss the (re)settlement of the country on the path of dependent development as one of its consequences. In Part 2, addressing capital investment in real estate development in Romania, I am going to discuss three major sub-themes: the conditions for the emergence of real estate development, the trends of the real estate development led housing regime, and the evolution of real estate development in uneven local contexts. The conclusion of the article summarizes my contribution to the study of uneven development in a semi-peripheral country of global capitalism, consisting in the analysis of its double role in the process of capital accumulation, both as a condition and a product of it.
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