Quality of Life after Suture Repair for Incisional Hernia: Long-Term Postoperative and Retrospective Preoperative Evaluations


  • D. den Hartog University Erasmus Medical Center
  • A. H. M. Dur Red Cross Hospital
  • W. E. Tuinebreijer Red Cross Hospital
  • R. W. Kreis Red Cross Hospital


Purpose: The aim of this observational study was to examine postoperative and retrospective preoperative evaluations of multiple dimensions of patient quality of life after a threelayered closure repair for incisional hernia.
Methods: After suture repair of an incisional hernia (mean follow-up of 4.6 years), 72 patients (32 female, 40 male, mean age 63.6 years) completed the SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire to evaluate their current postoperative as well as their past preoperative quality of life.
Results: All domains improved significantly after the operation. Relative to age-matched controls, the preoperative quality of life was evaluated negatively in seven domains, while the postoperative quality of life was evaluated negatively for only two domains.
Conclusions: In this study, patients retrospectively evaluated their physical and mental health as poor before an incisional hernia repair. After the operation, patient quality of life improved, but the perceived quality of life did not completely normalize. Further prospective studies will be useful to examine the quality of life before and after ventral hernia repairs.


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Author Biographies

D. den Hartog, University Erasmus Medical Center

Address: Office H9-40, P.O. Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Email: d.denhartog@erasmusmc.nl

A. H. M. Dur, Red Cross Hospital

Address: Vondellaan13, 1942 LE Beverwijk, The Netherlands.
Email: redactia@revistacalitateavietii.ro

W. E. Tuinebreijer, Red Cross Hospital

Address: Vondellaan 13, 1942 LE Beverwijk, The Netherlands.
Email: redactia@revistacalitateavietii.ro

R. W. Kreis, Red Cross Hospital

Address: Vondellaan 13, 1942 LE Beverwijk, The Netherlands.
Email: redactia@revistacalitateavietii.ro



How to Cite

den Hartog, D., Dur, A. H. M., Tuinebreijer, W. E., & Kreis, R. W. (2009). Quality of Life after Suture Repair for Incisional Hernia: Long-Term Postoperative and Retrospective Preoperative Evaluations. Calitatea Vieții, 20(3-4), 243–248. Retrieved from https://revistacalitateavietii.ro/journal/article/view/436



Quality of Life