Aspecte actuale ale raportului venituri - nivel minim de trai în România


  • Gheorghe Barbu Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy
  • Vasilica Ghimpău


As a reflection of the state of economy, the relation between the population's income and poverty level in Romania has been suffering a degradation more and more unbearable for certain categories of families. Highligthing this process, the study takes into account the unfavourable modifications of this relationship of the retires with underaveraged pensions; in many circumstances, the incomes have reached the point where they are situated not only under the decent poverty level, but even under the subsistence level. In the case of children-endowed employees families there's one more factor which leads to such a reality, that is the unarticulated evolution (related to the incomes and mostly to the price-index) of the nominal allocation. 


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Author Biography

Gheorghe Barbu, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: Calea 13 Septembrie no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.



How to Cite

Barbu, G., & Ghimpău, V. (1993). Aspecte actuale ale raportului venituri - nivel minim de trai în România. Calitatea Vieții, 4(1), 25–32. Retrieved from



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