Quality of Life is a journal founded in 1990 with the aim of advancing scientific research on quality of life and social policy issues. The journal features four issues per year and publishes empirical, methodological and theoretical articles in the above-mentioned areas as well as in the following related fields: living standard(s), consumption patterns, employment and occupations, healthcare, housing, political participation, environmental well-being, education and schooling, social services, social interventions, family and interpersonal relationships, leisure, migration, lifestyles, subjective well-being, research methods.

In particular, the journal encourages the submission of articles analysing and assessing social policies as well as of those advancing strategies and recommendations of social intervention. The journal publishes original articles based on qualitative or quantitative data as well as theoretical articles. The journal accepts manuscripts in Romanian, English and French. All submissions are carefully assessed and undergo the double-blind peer review process with a minimum of two reviewers.
The Quality of Life journal follows a new editorial policy that aims to encourage articles that bring original contributions to the international literature in its areas of interest, without downplaying relevant research that aims to foster local, national or regional social development. We also support the increasing international visibility of the articles published by our authors and the growth in the number of citations.


Call for the Special Issue on „Policy and Programme Effectiveness for Adolescents, Youth and Young Adults: Insights and Evidence", Issue no. 3/2025


Quality of Life Journal announces a special issue together with PROFEEDBACK COST Action CA20112, titled „Policy and Programme Effectiveness for Adolescents, Youth and Young Adults: Insights and Evidence". The journal seeks articles for a special issue on the evaluation of programs, policies and measures targeting adolescents and youth, to be published in August 2025.  The main objective of this special issue is to present high-quality scientific evaluations of the impact and outcomes of programmes or policies and actions targeted at young people.

Read more about Call for the Special Issue on „Policy and Programme Effectiveness for Adolescents, Youth and Young Adults: Insights and Evidence", Issue no. 3/2025

Current Issue

Vol. 36 No. 1 (2025)
					View Vol. 36 No. 1 (2025)

This issue was coordinated by Maria Potes Barbas and Gabriela Neagu.
The authors of this issue are: Ekrem Bahçekapılı, Gabriela Neagu, Muhammet Berigel, Ramadan Çipuri, Raimonda Nelku, Isa Erbas, Maria Koutsombogera, Evangelos Kapros, Maria Potes Barbas, Andreia Teles Vieira, Paulo Duarte Branco, Elsa Casimiro, Duygu Solak Beri̇gel, Lokman Şilbir, Gülbahar Merve Şilbir.

Published: 2025-03-25


  • Maria Potes Barbas, Gabriela Neagu
    Abstract views: 11


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