Migration in Transit: A Challenging Concept for Public and Social Policy
migration in transit, institutional resources, reception, borders, Basque Country, SpainAbstract
This article is framed in the specific migration scenario seen in recent years, in which migrants arrive at the external border of the European Union (mainly Andalusia and the Canary Islands), transit through the Spanish mainland to the border between the Spanish and French States (located in the autonomous region of the Basque Country) with the intention of continuing on to other countries in northern Europe, such as France, Belgium or Germany, among others. The aim of this paper is to offer a general descriptive overview of these movements of people in transit through a European State, as well as to identify the challenges faced by institutional resources and processes that have had to be created recently, in order to offer assistance to people to help them in their journey, or to receive them when the circumstances or their transit projects become difficult or are altered.
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