Vol. 33 No. 2 (2022)

Issue coordinated by Ana López-Sala and Yoan Molinero-Gerbeau.
The authors of this issue are: Ana López-Sala, Yoan Molinero-Gerbeau, Iker Barbero, Cristina Blanco, Zakaria Sajir, Rafael Ruiz Andrés, Marianna Ragone, Gennaro Avallone.
Intersections of Precariousness
Intersections of Precariousness. Vulnerability and Quality of Life of Migrants With Irregular StatusAbstract views: 262https://doi.org/10.46841/RCV.2022.02.01
Abstract views: 450https://doi.org/10.46841/RCV.2022.02.02
Abstract views: 308https://doi.org/10.46841/RCV.2022.02.03
Abstract views: 1510https://doi.org/10.46841/RCV.2022.02.04
Abstract views: 524https://doi.org/10.46841/RCV.2022.02.05