Abordarea conceptuală a inovaţiei în contextul relansării strategiei de la Lisabona



innovation, discover, invention, European Union, social innovation, social development


This article analyses the concept of social innovation. The first part approaches innovation in comparison with discovery and invention. The idea of new is included in all three concepts, only at different levels: at the output level, in the case of both discovery and invention, and at the process level, in the case of innovation. The second part overviews innovation within European Union and in our country, in the framework of implementing the Lisbon’s strategy. In comparison with other Member States, Romania’s innovative performance are the lowest, especially as regards knowledge, creation and intellectual property rights. Social innovation is presented in correlation with social development. The last part overviews factors that could stimulate social innovation.


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Author Biography

Simona Maria Stănescu, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: Calea 13 Septembrie no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.
Email: simona_vonica@yahoo.com



How to Cite

Stănescu, S. M. (2009). Abordarea conceptuală a inovaţiei în contextul relansării strategiei de la Lisabona. Calitatea Vieții, 20(1-2), 19–27. Retrieved from https://revistacalitateavietii.ro/journal/article/view/452


